Jon Nienaber shares his home with his wife, three cats, and a dog in Cleveland. Mr. Nienaber was walking his dog in their neighborhood one summer day two years ago when a small cat rushed up to them and decided to join them.
When Jon realized that this kitten was following him, he called his wife to come and meet him. She said this “As we were leaving, he pushed his head over a small chained fence and started chasing Jon and me! He appeared determined to stay with us.”
Leslie told her husband that they had to take the cat home when he followed them to the end of the street. The courageous young ginger kid sought to play with his canine companion and would approach strangers for affection. “When I brought him home, he was filthy, and I did my best to clean him up. He appeared to be famished “Leslie said to the reporter.
Leslie considered her sister, Sarah, who is also a cat lover, but the couple already had a full house with pets. The next day, Sarah arrived and welcomed the cat with open arms.
Sara gave the cat the name “Pinot” right away. “Pinot was such a brave and determined creature, who just wanted to survive, and he was the most beautiful kitten we had ever seen, so it was really hard for me to let him go. My sister who took him with him I really enjoyed it I knew I would see it grow and I would be able to visit it whenever I wanted, “Leslie said. Sara fell in love with Pinot the moment she saw him. The little kitten after a few visits to the clinic changed for the better.
He loves playing with small stuff like Q-tips.
Grown up to be obsessed with boxes. Playing …!
And sleeping..,!
One other hobby is watching birds from the window. How gentle !!!
What a beautiful fluffy cat!!!
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