It is sad when we find out the communication between humans has been impacted in the past. Like an antique photograph from the mid-twentieth century, the image of neighbors participating in social contact has been vanishing. Bowling Alone, a study on the decline of trust in (American) communities, was released in 2000 by Harvard public policy professor Robert Putnam. Putnam documented how, since WWII, people have become increasingly disengaged from traditional civic institutions in American life, such as local government meetings, church services, voter participation, and union membership; technology has been “individualizing” leisure time, putting society’s bonds to the test. However, there is a surprise that brings people back together on communication. Do you know who can keep them from crumbling? Cats.
Take a look at Billy, for instance.
Olga Shipunova, 29, and her partner Zack King, 37, became pen buddies with one of their neighbors owing to their furry little companion. Billy returned to their house in Hackney, London, one evening with a note tucked under his collar, and things quickly escalated.
More info: Twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
Billy is a fascinating character! Zack described him as “feisty, curious, and independent.” “On his own terms, he’s nice but affectionate.”
As you can obviously guess, the cat enjoys exploring the outdoors. “He has a cat flap, so he can come and go whenever he wants. He doesn’t stick to a schedule and can go for days or nights at a time (he likes to mix things up). The only real trouble he causes is among the local mice. We have humane traps so we may release them again because he typically brings them back alive.”
The dialogue is still continuing on, according to Zack, but the pen pals have no plans to meet up. He stated, “To be honest, with current communication being all online, it’s good to have some mystery and intrigue.”
“With so many cats probably visiting other homes,” he noted, “perhaps others should reach out via cat delivery.”
Cats are natural explorers who are curious about everything. While some cats are hesitant of entering into a strange environment with unfamiliar sensory stimuli, many desire to go outside, especially once they have tasted the freedom that comes with it. They can be piqued by new sights, sounds, tastes, textures, and aromas. If your cat appears to be interested in going outside (for example, by waiting impatiently at the door), it’s worth thinking about the benefits and drawbacks of doing so. After all, each cat and each situation are unique.