Сat Will Nеver Аllow Мail Тo Вe Dеlivered

Normally, Elizabeth Lara’s job as a postal carrier is rather regular – until she arrives at Milo’s house.

Lara told The Dodo, “I see him practically every day.”

Milo has strong sentiments about the mail being delivered, and he is there every day, like clockwork, to express his thoughts.

“Whenever I attempt to put the mail in, he usually begins slapping the mail or my hands, but just in a fun manner, never with claws or anything,” Lara explained.

Milo attempts to whack the mail away as soon as he notices it start to slip through the slot, and it’s become one of his favorite pastimes. Despite the fact that bringing the mail to Milo’s household might be difficult due to his games, Lara likes him and considers visiting him to be one of her favorite aspects of her route.

“I finally recorded it to share with people [about] who makes my day 100 times better,” Lara said. “He’s the sweetest!”

Milo will never stop attempting to bat the mail away, even if it always makes it through the slot. He might just succeed in keeping the mail out of his house one of these days.

Until then, Lara will savor every charming effort and is overjoyed to have landed on the prettiest mail route ever.

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