18 Whоlesоme Мoments Тhat Рrove Wе Аbsolutely Dо Nоt Dеserve Сats

Alright folks, how many times do you think about we don’t deserve these floofy furball treasures? Countless I suppose! Sometimes they may act like a jerk and we never understand their mischievous behaviors but all animals are the same. They need to be trained for having proper manners. It also depends on which pet you are gonna pet so that you can have some different teaching ways based on their instincts: dogs will be the greatest friendly companions who can quickly understand everything you teach them in a short period of time while cats are more independent and they do what they want, you will have to invest time, patience, and love to get them cats feel. I’m telling you, trust the process, cats will appear to you more emotional, lovable, and compassionate than you ever expected.

Angels are formed in so many sizes and shapes, we truly believe cats are ones of those. This is a collection of 18 living proofs that we don’t deserve kitties, you should probably give them an endless cuddle after watching this. Don’t forget the treats!

(h/t: buzzfeed)


#1 This little guy who wanted hugs instead of treats


#2 And finally, this cutie who made a goofy pose to cheer up their favorite human


#3 This proud cat mama that showed off her baby to her human mama


#4 These two cuties who just want cuddles and belly rubs, please


#5 This gentle giant who made a new, colorful friend


#6 This cat that was ready to work, uniform and all


#7 This kind cat who brought a stick inside for their favorite pupper


#8 This cat that’s so chill, their best friend is a bird


#9 This family’s cat that welcomed their newly adopted pup with open arms – or, uh, paws


#10 This responsible cat that was in their seat and ready to learn way before the bell rang


#11 This floofy friend that was happy to be a phone holder in return for extra cuddles


#12 This cat who was very tired, but still wanted to help


#13 This typically shy cutie who gave a good morning boop to their bearded dragon pal


#14 This loyal lady who was found on the patio six months ago and is now celebrating their human’s citizenship (and newfound love of cats) with some much-deserved fish


#15 This cat that didn’t care much for veggies but pretended to eat them so their bunny friend didn’t dine alone


#16 This fluffy boi who insisted on having his paw held while he slept


#17 This kitty whose best friend is a doggo that loves being groomed


#18 This big sis who came to the rescue when her baby sister’s toy got stuck

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