Zero cats will care that we wrote this.
Dogs and cats are the most two popular pets that respectable owners have always wanted to have but cats are the right choice of people who want to experience their mysteries every second. Back to the ancient Egypt era until now, these adorable cuddly creatures have been such a way of stealing people’s hearts. As a result, it should come as no surprise that cat photos and videos were thoroughly popular even before the growth of the Internet in the 21st century.
Cats are more closely related to their wild predecessors than dogs are to wolves, making dogs the more domesticated of the two species. Cats became more friendly with one another and considerably more accommodating of humans as they acclimated to live with humans, but there is no evidence that they have changed much more than that in the last few thousand years. Domestic cats’ ancestors, according to scientists, moved from southwest Asia into Europe approximately 4400 B.C. Around 8,000 years ago, cats began to congregate in farming villages in the Fertile Crescent, where they developed a mutually beneficial relationship with humans.
With 95 million cats owned in 2017, the domestic cat was the second-most popular pet in the United States. In the United Kingdom, 26% of adults own a cat, with a total population of 10.9 million pet cats expected by 2020. There are approximately 220 million owned cats and 480 million stray cats in the world until 2021. A few months ago, a Facebook page called OMG Meow shared a completely understandable handy digitalized list of the most popular cat breeds for us to learn and love these incredible creatures. Let’s scroll down, take a look and upvote your preferred cat breeds!
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#1 Scottish Folds are typically intelligent, sweet-tempered, soft-spoken, and easily adaptable to new people and situations
The Scottish Fold cat occurred as a spontaneous mutation in farm cats in Scotland. The breed has been established by crosses to British Shorthair and domestic cats in Scotland and England. It has a natural dominant-gene mutation that affects cartilage throughout the body, causing the ears to ‘fold,’ folding forward and down towards the front of the head, giving the cat a ‘owl-like’ look.
#2 Bengal cats are intelligent and seem to look at everything around them as, ‘can this be played with?’
The Bengal cat is a relatively new breed of cat that was originally created by crossing an Asian Leopard Cat with a domestic cat in the USA. The Bengal cat derives its name from the Latin name of its wild ancestor, Felis Bengalensis (Asian Leopard Cat). Bengals seem wild, with spots, rosettes, arrowhead marks, or marbling.
#3 Bombay cat is a calm creature that adapts well to any type of household, including one with dogs or children
Nikki Horner, a breeder from Louisville, KY, began developing the breed in the 1950s by crossing a sable Burmese with a black American Shorthair. The Bombay cat is a type of short-haired cat developed by breeding sable Burmese and black American Shorthair cats, to produce a cat of mostly Burmese type, but with a sleek, panther-like black cat.
#4 Loyal to their owners, Burmese cats are sometimes known as the ‘dog cat’ as many are happy to play retrieve
The Burmese cat is a domestic cat breed that originated in Thailand, is said to have its roots near the current Thai-Burma border, and was developed in the United States and Britain.
#5 A fantastic family cat, often seeking human interaction, but yet a true tiger!
The European Shorthair has been a recognized breed with its own standard ever since 1982, nowadays mostly bred in Scandinavia. The European Shorthair, also known as the European in FIFe and WCF, is a Swedish cat breed. The name has also been used as an ornate way of referring to common domestic cats in Europe, which has caused some misunderstanding because pedigree cats of this breed should also resemble ordinary domestic cats in Europe.
#6 British Longhair cats are loyal, loving pets with sweet faces and relaxed attitudes
The British Longhair cat developed in the early 20th century in the United Kingdom as a consequence of a mix between British Shorthair and Persian cats. British Shorthair cats had long been bred with Persians, but the resultant cats with the Persian’s long-haired gene were thought to be uncommon.
British Longhair cats are medium-sized cats with long hair and a friendly, round face. This breed is endearing due to its huge round eyes, charming demeanor, and velvety coats.
#7 Korat cats have a quiet, sweet nature but are very intelligent and playful
The Korat cat breed is named after a Thai region. A pair of Korat cats was a traditional present for a wedding in Thailand, where the breed is known as ‘Si-Sawat’ (meaning good fortune). A Korat cat may have been submitted as a Blue Siamese cat at a British cat exhibition in the 19th century.
#8 Siberian cats are lovable and loyal family companions who get along well with children and other pets
The Siberian is a centuries-old domestic cat landrace in Russia that has lately emerged as a recognized breed with criteria published worldwide since the late 1980s. Siberians range in size from modest to big.
#9 Wegies are popular across the world and especially adored in their native land of Norway, where they go by the name skogkatt
The Norwegian Forest cat is a domestic cat breed that originated in Northern Europe. With a top coat of lustrous, long, water-shedding hairs and a fuzzy undercoat for protection, this natural breed is suitable for an extremely cold climate.
#10 Calm and laid-back, the Maine Coons aren’t too dependent, however, they’re very people oriented
“The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed. It has a distinctive physical appearance and valuable hunting skills. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically native to the state of Maine, where it is the official state cat.”
#11 You can’t always trust cats with kids, but you can in the case of the Chartreux
Chartreux’s origins remain uncertain, but it is believed to date back to the 13th Century from what is now Syria and was brought to France by Crusaders who became Carthusian monks.
This breed’s husky, strong appearance is frequently referred to as primitive, as it is neither cobby nor classic. Despite their size, Chartreux cats are exceptionally flexible and nimble; elegant, never rude or ungainly.
#12 A British Shorthair is a dignified, intelligent and affectionate companion
The pedigreed form of the classic British domestic cat, with a notably stocky physique, thick coat, and wide face, is the British Shorthair. The ‘British Blue,’ a solid grey-blue coat with copper eyes and a medium-sized tail, is the most well-known color variation.
The American Cat Association recognized the British Blue in 1967, The International Cat Association in 1979 and the Cat Fanciers Association in 1980. In 2009, TICA recognized the British Longhair as a variety, the only cat association to do so.
#13 The Siamese cat is not only beautiful, but also highly intelligent
The Siamese cat was one of the initial Asian cat breeds to be recognized. The original Siamese, derived from the Wichianmat, one of numerous kinds of cat native to China and transported to Thailand, became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America in the 19th century.
The Siamese is an affectionate cat and requires their parents’ moderate to high attention. The owner must be affectionate to the Siamese cats and make time to play with them.
#14 The Turkish Angora is a triple A cat: active, agile and assertive
The Turkish Angora is a domestic cat breed. They are an antique, natural cat breed that evolved in central Turkey, in the Ankara region. The breed has been documented since the 17th century and is thought to be the source of mutations for both the color white and long hair.
#15 A lovable cat, the Himalayan can be both a quiet companion and energetic playmate
Himalayan cats, otherwise known as “Himmies,” are a hybrid breed of Persian and Siamese cats. Through the 1920s and 1930s, breeders around the world attempted to produce a cat with a Persian body and Siamese markings. The result is a beautiful feline with a long, silky, Persian-like coat and Siamese-like pointed coloring and bright blue eyes.
#16 A pleasant companion, the American Shorthair is a loving cat and will become attached to all members of the family
The American Shorthair is a domestic cat breed that is said to be derived from European cats that were introduced to North America by early settlers to protect important cargo from mice and rats. It was the 7th most popular pedigreed cat in the United States in 2012, according to the Cat Fanciers’ Association.
#17 Balinese cats are very clever and are more trainable than many breeds
The name Balinese came about because the breeders felt the cat’s grace and beauty matched those of the dancers in Bali’s temples. They were first seen in America in the 1940s, when a litter of long-haired Siamese kittens arrived. This spontaneous mutation prompted breeders to work hard to preserve more of this type, and the first Balinese breeding program was established in the 1950s.
#18 Ragamuffin is a mellow cat but one who craves attention
The Ragamuffin is a domestic cat breed. It is a Ragdoll cat variation that was recognized as a distinct breed in 1994. Ragamuffins are known for their amiable demeanor and thick, rabbit-like coat.
#19 Toyger is an outgoing, friendly breed that can even be trained to do tricks
The cat was bred around the year 1980 by a breeder named Judy Sugden. This is a cross between a Bengal cat and a domestic shorthair. There are also remnants of a Kashmir cat, which are thought to accentuate the breed’s distinctive tiger-like stripes.
#20 Turkish Van is rare, even in its native country, where it is considered a regional treasure
The breed originated in Turkey, near Lake Van, and has been domesticated there for hundreds of years. A holidaying couple brought back a pair of Turkish Van cats to Britain in the 1950s, and they began breeding these uniquely marked cats in the UK.
Its cashmere-like waterproof coat is a distinguishing characteristic; it enjoys water and has earned the nickname “swimming cat” in its home region. It is a big, energetic, and clever creature.
#21 Snowshoe cats are beautiful, devoted family companions
The Snowshoe is a cat breed that originated in the 1960s in the United States of America. Snowshoes were discovered in Philadelphia when a Siamese breeder’s cat gave birth to three white-footed kittens.
#22 Though Ocicat may look wild, they are very friendly, playful and intelligent cats
The Ocicat is a wild-looking domestic cat that was developed from Abyssinian, Siamese, and American shorthair breeds. Ocicats, despite their looks, are fully domestic, sociable, and playful. It is named for its resemblance to the ocelot.
#23 The cat’s vivid blue eyes are the most noticeable trait of a Ragdoll
They are big, muscular semi-longhair cats with a velvety, silky coat. They were created in the 1960s by American breeder Ann Baker and are well renowned for their gentle and calm disposition as well as their loving attitude.
#24 A sweet-tempered, loyal Russian blue cat who will follow an owner everywhere, so don’t be surprised if they greet you at the front door!
It is believed that the Russian blue cat originates from northern Russia, specifically the Archangel Isles. They come in colors varying from light shimmering silver to a darker, slate grey. Their short, dense coat has been the hallmark of the Russian breed for more than a century. The dense coat stands out from the body.
#25 Birmans are often easy to handle and care for, making them great pets for anybody looking for calm companions that will provide love and devotion
The Birman is a domestic cat breed that is also known as the “Sacred Cat of Burma.” The Birman is a long-haired, color-pointed cat with a silky coat, deep blue eyes, and white ‘gloves’ or ‘socks’ on each paw. Birmanie, the French word for Burma, inspired the breed name.
#26 Abyssinians are affectionate cats and love both people and other animals
Abyssinian, a domestic cat breed of Egyptian heritage that is said to be the most similar to the sacred cat of ancient Egypt of any living cat. The Abyssinian cat is a slim cat with thin legs and a long, tapering tail. In nomenclature terms, they are also known as simply Abys.
#27 They are extremely strong and very active, but they have a very balanced temperament
Egyptian Mau originates from a spotted cat discovered in Cairo and brought to Rome by a Russian princess in 1953. She raised many spotted cats in Italy before relocating to North America, where breeders established the modern Mau. The scarab beetle, which Ancient Egyptians revered, is thought to have inspired the patterns on its head.
#28 Singapura the pint-sized cat—the smallest breed of domestic cats—is known for its love of being in the middle of the action and thriving on attention
Singapura is the Malaysian word for “Singapore,” where the cat is purported to have originated. The Singapura was created in the 1970s by cat fanciers Hal and Tommy Meadow from cats discovered in Singapore, the Lion City. Ticle, Pusse, Tes, George, and Gladys, as well as Chiko, adopted later from a Singapore shelter, were the basis of the pedigreed Singapura, despite the fact that cats like them had undoubtedly existed in Southeast Asia for at least a decade, if not longer.
#29 If you’re looking for a social cat with a wild look and curious personality, consider the Somali cat
The Somali cat is sometimes described as a long-haired African cat; it is the result of a recessive gene in Abyssinian cats, however it is unknown how the gene was introduced into the Abyssinian gene pool. They are said to have originated in Somalia, a long-lost relative of the Abyssinian cat, which originated in Ethiopia.
#30 Graceful, intelligent, and affectionate, Nebelung cats have wonderful traits that would suit almost any loving family
Cora Cobb of the Nebelheim Cattery created the breed. Cobb was inspired by a kitten named Siegfried, and the name of the Nebelung cat was suggested by Cobb. The International Cat Association recognized the cats as a New Breed in 1987 and as a Full Breed in 1997. Nebelungs have the potential to be outcrossed to Russian Blues.
The Nebelung’s eyes are a bright green, or more commonly a yellow-green. This cat has long limbs, is robust, has a long tail, medium boning, and is well-muscled.