Nobody likes health checks, and our pets also feel the same. To them, a vet clinic is a place where they are obliged to visit and have to undergo unpleasant procedures. Not only is the examination displeasing for our poor furry friends, but we owners are also having a hard time. We struggle with getting them to actually go with us, which is usually by force, the ‘also go to the park’ trick, or the good old bribery.
Vet clinics clearly know their clients’ pain points, so some are trying to ease things out by setting up hilarious signs. Gidypet has collected a compilation of funny billboards from various veterinary clinics that bring some laughter to the clients as soon as they arrive at the clinic. From classic cat logics to corny puns about their behavior, realistic yet funny cat-owner situations, these are all paw-some cat jokes that have cat lovers all cracked up!
(h/t: boredpanda)
In 2016, veterinary animal care varied by pet species and other factors, with 82.8 percent of dog-owning households and 54.3 percent of cat-owning households visiting a pet clinic at least once. In 2016, $27.8 billion was spent on veterinary treatment for all species of pets.
Cats should go to the vet at least once a year for a checkup, especially if they are on a vaccination schedule. Indoor cats do not require as many immunizations as cats who live mostly or partially outside, but they do require the “core” vaccines that are required for all cats. The primary feline vaccines, according to VetMed, are those for feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV1) and feline calicivirus (FCV).
People usually take cats to the vet for neutering and spaying, which is actually beneficial for your pet. First, having your cat spayed and neutered will add at least 2 – 3 years to their lifespan, and decrease risks of cancer. They will also be less likely to roam out, which usually causes fighting and injuries. Third, neutering helps reduce the overpopulation of cats and extra vet bills. Lastly, it can diminish possessive or unwanted behaviors like spraying and marking, inter-cat aggression between housemates, and cat heat.
89.1 percent of cat-owning families who visited vets had a “regular veterinarian.” The top two reasons these families see their regular veterinarian are for informed, high-quality care and because their regular veterinarian is caring and sympathetic and knows how to care for their dogs or cats. A familiar face would be easier for our pets to recognize and cooperate more easily.
According to Dr. Apryl Steele, 2019 president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and CEO of the Dumb Friends League in Denver, cat ownership is less defined than dog ownership. “People who feed community cats and even provide a safe shelter for them often do not consider themselves the owner of the cat. However, if the cat is injured, they may be the person who would bring the cat to the veterinarian,” she said.
According to the AVMA Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook, “Visits to the veterinarian per pet per year have remained fairly stable for a decade or longer: 1.5 times per dog, 0.7 times per cat, 0.1 times per bird and 0.7 times per horse.” The figure was 0.02 visits per specialty or exotic pet in 2016.