Dog Мissing for 12 Yeаrs Got Reunitеd with Ownеr

Zoey was found on a rural property near Stockton. The person who found her called the police and reported that she is old and ill.

The dog’s microchip was scanned by an animal service and found out that she was missing since 2010.

Zoey’s owner Michelle said: “I definitely didn’t expect this to ever happen so I’m really excited.”

Since it’s been a long time since Zoey was missing, the microchip company already listed her dead in 2015.

Good thing  Michelle has the same mobile number as Officer Brandon Levin. Got the contact details from the microchip. He said that Michelle was in complete shock.

Zoey was found 60 miles from her family home in Lafayette where she went missing in 2010.

“We got her and her twin sister from the pound when they were six months old, she was with us for about six months,” Michelle said.

“We went to the store for about 20 minutes and came back and she was missing. I’m excited to hopefully bring her back, get her healthy and let her live the rest of her life.” She ended.

This is considered a miracle for the dog and her owner that after 12 long years, they finally reunite and will make memories together.

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