Dog Thrоws ‘Hilаrious Fit’ Whеn His Humаn Imitаtes His Everу Mоve

Sometimes dogs have to put up with the silly antics of their owners. That’s exactly what happened in the case of a Boxer dog who was tolerating his doggy dad mocking him.

Every single move the dog made, his dad did the same thing. They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but this guy takes it to an extreme.

When the Boxer grimaces, so does the guy. When the dog stares longingly, so does his dad. When the dog gets a treat, the guy acts all bummed out that he didn’t get one.

This is one dog who we feel is extremely tolerant. He’s got the patience of a saint and a great relationship with his dad. Why else would he put up with such silliness?

The dog’s reaction to his dad is what has us and the Internet cracking up laughing. You’ve got to see it for yourself.

Press play on the video for some belly laughs.

Be sure to check out this NEXT story after you watch the video. This will touch your heart!

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