Every year, there are millions of stray animals submitted to rescue centers all over the world. At the same time, millions of them are euthanized due to sickness, old age, or sadly because the overloading centers need to prioritize animals with better health conditions or better chances of adoption. This heartbreaking situation is a result of human irresponsible actions. Breeders overbreed for business purposes, owners abandon their pets because they are old, have many diseases, or just simply because they are ‘ugly’ and the owners just don’t want them anymore. These are the devastating truths that have been going around since forever. However, for a true animal lover, there is no such thing as an ‘ugly’ animal. They are just diamonds in the rough, waiting to be discovered. This is the same as the story of Francisca Franken and her little rescue feline Bean.
Francisca was scrolling through the rescue center’s website when she came across the picture of Bean. Immediately, she just knew in her bones that this is the kitten for her. Francisca has always been a cat person. She wanted to adopt a kitty some times soon, but not at the moment since having a pet means having serious commitments. However, when she figured out about the sad story of Bean, the ‘ugly’ cat that nobody wants, her heart just broke and she couldn’t be more sure of making Bean her family member right away.
More info: Instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
This is Bean the exotic shorthair making an introduction

Some insight on the story of why Francisca wants a cat in the first place: “I moved into a bigger flat so I could have a cat again. When I lived with my parents, we had one. His name is Joker and I love him to death. So naturally, when I moved out, something was missing. But Joker is an outdoor cat in a rural area and my flat was quite small, so it just felt unfair to take him just so I felt better. He wouldn’t have been happy. I lived one year without a cat and then moved to a bigger flat with a balcony so I could adopt a cat. I wasn’t planning on getting one right away, because it’s always a commitment. Well, that was until I saw Bean’s picture while browsing my local shelter’s website one night.”
Funny looking Bean on the local shelter website that caught Francisca’s immediate attention

When Francisca first saw Bean, she busted into laughter as she had never seen a kitten that looked just like “a real rough street gangster” before. It did not take her long to decide to send the adoption request. She described it as a long night of nervousness and sleeplessness because she wanted her profile to be picked so badly.
The next day, she received a call from a nice lady from the rescue center asking if she really wanted to adopt Bean as it seemed like nobody had ever noticed her before.
“The woman who called me was scared that I just pressed the wrong button or something and was not really interested in her at all. I teared up at the thought of poor Bean having nobody that wanted to love her so I directly made an appointment with them for the 8th of January. I was so so so so nervous.” She told Bored Panda
Bean – looking like the real gangster of the street

Apparently, no one wants to adopt Bean because of her sad and grumpy looking

Bean was first found in a trailer park with a terrible eye infection, struvite stones, and a beginning blockage. With the fact that she had never received any medical attention, Bean was so lucky to be rescued just in time as people at the shelter said they got her at really the last second to save her life.
Francisca saw Bean for the first time, knowing that she had to take her home straight away

“So on January 8th I put on my nicest blouse and trousers and went to see her. I was absolutely overdressed but wanted to make a good first impression. They were all so friendly and loving.
One woman led me to her room and what I saw was much more beautiful than I could ever imagine. Bean was (and still is) so tiny and small, she has very stubby legs and a short tail. And the cutest face I had ever seen. I started crying when I walked into her room because I was so overwhelmed. She was not at all what I had imagined but it was so much better than that.”
After seeing how much love Francisca has for Bean, the staff at the shelter let her adopt Bean right away. They provided her with some basic tools and instructions on how to get Bean acquainted with the new home.
Francisca was surprised at how fast Beanie adapted to her new home

“I got her home with me and she immediately wandered off onto the couch and slept for several hours as if she never rested before. Only after that, she started exploring. She spent the first night in bed with me and has done that ever since.”
Francisca was instructed to keep Bean in a room for the first two days so she could get used to the new place without stress. Little did she know that no locks or doors could ever keep the curious soul from exploring the entire apartment. In the end, Franken stopped trying to keep her in one room and let her do her thing.
Francisca thought Bean was the most adorable and unique feline, and she could not have asked for more

She shared that at first, Bean was really cringy and attached. Francisca thought was maybe because Bean was afraid that Francisca would take her back to the shelter, that was why she never left Francisca’s side. After some time, when she finally understood that she was at her forever home, she eventually embraced her sassy diva personality.
Francisca would love to have another cat in the future to befriend with Bean when she is at work but there is a tiny problem: “She hates other cats with a passion. She won’t attack them, as far as I know from the rescue, but she stares them down and growls at them until they’re too scared to even eat. Her vet said it’s probably from her living on the street and always having to fight over food and being attacked by other cats, so maybe when she learns that she’s not in danger anymore, she will accept a friend in a couple of years.”
“Taking her in was the best to happen to me”

To Francisca, Bean is basically the perfect cat. It was almost destiny as she never expected to adopt “an exotic shorthair mix with medical problems”, but she fell in love at first sight. Bean had brought her so much joy and love with her quirky lovable personality.
“She doesn’t like chicken or cat milk or tuna, but she goes wild over olives, pudding cup lids, and nuts, but just licking them. No worries, I won’t let her eat them. Just the olives. She loves screaming at the Amazon delivery driver (but only him, no other postal services) and is interested in insects, but couldn’t bother less about mice in the garden.”
Had been living alone for some time, having such an adorable companion meant a lot to Francisca.
“She’s bringing me so much joy and it’s just the best feeling to know that someone is at home waiting for me when I come back from work. She gets up on the window sill when I leave for work and watches me walk away, while I wave at her (am I a crazy cat mom? Maybe.) and she waits at the door when I come back.”

Francisca and Bean is surely perfect for each other

Francisca said that she somewhat understands why people would rather go for “pretty pets” from breeders. It is just a normal tendency for humans to want pretty stuff, and also it is reasonable if one wants a pet with a full medical record and heritage document. Sometimes, it is also society’s standards that prevent people from finding that rare beauty hidden in an “ugly” coat.
“A lot of people said Bean was ugly, but I think she’s perfect and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
Francisca also supports adopting animals. She does not hold anything against people who decide to buy pets from breeders. She thinks that by adopting, you could be giving an amazing soul a second chance to a great life full of caring and love. All animals deserve a loving home no matter how imperfect they may be, as we are too, imperfect.