Cats may give the impression that they are unconcerned, but they are. They, like everyone else, want our love and affection. Especially the ones whose owners have abandoned them. That, too, at a time when kids require the greatest love and care.
Instead of praising individuals who leave their dogs, we’ll honor those who provide them with the love and care they need. Bree Taylor, a young woman from Queensland, Australia, was walking her dog Koda home when she spotted something unusual.
Bree and her dog heard something in a neighboring grassfield while strolling on Branch Creek Road in Dalby. Normally, hearing a disturbance from a nearby bush isn’t a concern, but if you live in Australia, the likelihood is that it’s a large snake.
Thankfully, it didn’t turn out that way. Instead, it was a tiny group of beautiful kittens, much to her amazement!
The kittens started coming her. She wasn’t sure what to do at first since she assumed they were stray cats and that their mother would be around. Bree recounted the situation to Courier Mail in the following way:
“Honestly, I believed they were wild kittens coming out to harm my dog, so I took a step back because I feared Mumma Cat was going to appear.”
Unfortunately, the kittens were alone. They got lost in the middle of nowhere, all by themselves.
“They came straight to me, so I sat on the ground, they were hungry.”
The kittens rejoiced and rejoiced when they saw Bree. They just wanted someone to love and care for them.
“I could not believe it was 10 of them, and I was even more surprised that they just wanted to hug. The cats were not whistling, but meowing and jumping on me, so I knew they were not wild.
“I was more worried that they might be hit by a truck because I would not be able to hold them all.”
However, this was a new challenge. Her house was a long distance and she could not take it all. So she decided to go home and get something to take them first.
She left after making her decision. She had no idea any of this was unnecessary. She turned for no apparent reason and discovered that all 10 kittens were following her!
They followed her for over a mile and a half till one of them got tired, so she picked him up and carried him herself. The rest kept following her and her dog Koda till they finally reached home.
But wait, it didn’t end here. When she told the whole story on Facebook it quickly went viral and people pooled in money for the stray kittens so Bree could feed them and get them vaccined.
Many individuals approached her after her message went viral. In an interview with the Daily Mail, Bree stressed the need to care for stray cats.
“Do not take a cat unless you can afford to take care of it and find a home for the kitten. It is horrible to abandon them on the street after they have become addicted to humans.”
She continued,
“I took all the kittens home and took care of each one separately.”